Hi everyone, welcome to our site Go Full-Time RVing. We are Rob and Lisa. Rob is originally from Forest Grove, Oregon and Lisa is from Nashville, Tennessee.
Living in Las Vegas, Nevada we met in a Hiking Meetup Group in April 2013, started dating in May 2014, and married in front of an erupting Old Faithful in October 2021.

We are an adventurous couple with a love of the National Parks, traveling, and sightseeing around the country who have been on the road for four years. Living in Las Vegas we had a great starting point to see many of the National Parks and have covered most in the Western half of the country. We often joked that we needed to move East so we could see other parks. This got us thinking that maybe an RV lifestyle would be a way to see more of what we love.
The more we talked about it the more we thought “Let’s do it while we’re young enough to enjoy it”. We have seen and heard stories of people who got to an age where they couldn’t enjoy the lifestyle they dreamed of for their retirement. Or worse yet, they had something happen to their partner and couldn’t do it alone.

We didn’t want that to happen to us so we decided to jump in now while we are young enough to enjoy everything we want to see and do. It’s a scary decision but one we think will bring many years of joy. Our Recommendation, Don’t wait. If you want to go Full-Time RVing and can afford to do so, Do it!

One of the benefits and rewards of Full-Time RVing is that we get to go and spend more time in a location than we could on a normal vacation. We love the freedom of being able to travel the country and see new places or some of our favorites at our own pace.
We have a lovable chocolate lab, Sierra. She loves the outdoors as much as we do and is a great travel companion. Her favorite activities are playing ball, swimming, watching other animals, and eating.

Being tent campers we felt that we were getting too old to be sleeping on the ground. Waking up sore in the mornings made us think there must be a better way to camp. So we started looking into travel trailers then 5th-wheel trailers and then motorhomes. We finally settled on a 2019 Thor Challenger 37YT Class A Motorhome.
The biggest RVing challenge we’ve faced so far was Covid. We were a couple of weeks from crossing the border into Canada on our way to Alaska when Covid hit. The campgrounds we had booked started getting canceled. We didn’t know where we were going to end up. Luckily South Jetty Thousand Trails in Florence, Oregon let us stay for 10 weeks. Normally allowed to stay 21 days them letting us stay made those initial days of Covid much less stressful.
Our primary goals are to visit all 50 states and all of the National Park Units. So far we have hit 48 states and over 270 National Parks.

We finance our travels with a combination of my Navy retirement income, income from our rental house, Workamping, and a tiny bit (so far) from this website.

We hope this site will show our adventures, and give advice on how we get there, and the things we learn along the way. We also hope that by sharing our Full-Time RVing journey, we can inspire others to pursue their own travel dreams. Thank you for visiting our website!
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
We are always looking for neat out-of-the-way locations to add to our list of must-see places. If you know someplace interesting let us know.
All the best,
Rob and Lisa
Love Life and Travel!