Martha’s Gardens Medjool Date Farm is a must-stop location if you’re traveling on I-8 near Yuma, AZ. The Medjool dates are fresh, moist, delicious, and not too sweet, but oh so tasty. And the date shakes, OH MY! Let’s just say it’s a good thing we don’t live in Yuma because they could be an everyday habit! The date shakes are rich, full of flavor, and dates are healthy how can you go wrong? We have tried their regular date shakes, chocolate date shakes and peanut butter date shakes. All are amazing, but our favorite is just a plain old regular one. The others are a bit over the top in richness. But give them a try if your heart so desires.
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Medjool Date Facts
- Medjool Dates originated from Morocco where they were considered a delicacy
(which I totally believe) and were reserved for Royalty and the elite.
- They are 2½ times the size of common dates but with the same small pit.
- 5 dates have more potassium than a banana, which is great since I don’t like bananas
- They are sweet as candy and that’s why they are called “natures candy”.
- Their shelf life is a month if stored at room temperature, as long as six months if kept in the refrigerator, and more than a year if frozen. I don’t know why anyone would store them that long, they are too delicious to not eat right away.
- Medjool dates are low on the Glycemic Index. As sweet as Medjool dates are naturally, most would think they are actually a high Glycemic food. The natural sugars in Medjool dates break down slowly during digestion.
- Dates are one of the earliest known cultivated fruits and date palms have been found inscribed on walls in Egyptian tombs.
Their Story
Martha’s Gardens Medjool Date farm was founded in 1990 by Nels Rogers and his wife Martha. They planted 300 Medjool date palm off-shoots and have about 8000 palms on over 100 acres today. They had their first harvest in 1999 and have the best dates in all of Yuma.

Hours of operation 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday-Saturday.
Other information
While grabbing some dates or a date shake are the main reasons we go to Martha’s Gardens, they do have a small cafe where they serve salads, sandwiches, and hot dogs.

They also have farm tours that you need to make a reservation for. Unfortunately, we were not able to schedule a tour while we were in town. The dates (no pun intended) didn’t match up with our schedule.

If you’re in the Yuma area and haven’t tried a date shake or Medjool dates or even if you have, Martha’s Gardens Medjool Date Farm is a must. They definitely have the best dates and date shakes we’ve ever had.

Thanks for your time in reading this article. Have you had a date shake at Martha’s Gardens or know of other great places to get one comment below. We love to hear of other places that are must-try.
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