Gate Guarding Supplies

When Gate Guarding in the oil fields of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, or Colorado there are a few items you’ll be required to provide and some nice-to-have items to make your lives easier. Below is our list of Gate Guarding Supplies we’ve found beneficial to doing a good job in the oil fields.

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Gate Guarding Supplies

Driveway Alarms

You’ll need to know when someone is approaching your gate, whether to log them in or open the gate for them depending on your site. Driveway Alarms warn you when someone is coming. We have both sets below.

The HTZSAFE System we like for the 70ft wide sensor range and that the sensor can be placed up to a 1/2 mile away. It has 35 different tone settings which can be programmed for different locations. We got the four-pack system which gives us lots of options for how we set up the sensors. Setup is with a single button that makes it hard to know what exact setting you have it on. It is harder to set this system up than the eMACROS System.

The eMACROS System only has a range of 30ft on high, which we found wasn’t far enough for the 80ft wide driveway on our first gate. That’s the main reason we purchased the HTZSAFE System. Setup is easier with this system. A couple of switches allow you to know what setting you’re using.


Since it is a 24/7 job there will be times you or your partner is going to be working at night. You will need to provide lighting for the Gate Guarding operation.

Work lights will be your primary source of lighting for your site.

Head Lights are great to wear so you can see things hands-free. You can wear them directly on your head, hat, or hard hat.

Hand-held flashlights are also something everyone should have a few of. We’ve found this Coast flashlight to be compact and bright.

Extension Cords

With 24/7 service you’ll need power for lights at night, and anything else you may have to power outside while guarding the gates.

We have a couple of 25 Foot Outdoor Extension Cords and a 100 Foot Extension Cord to power our lights.

Water and Ice

The water supplied for your full hookups is usually non-potable water, so with that, you’ll need separate drinking water. We use the 5-gallon jugs you purchase or refill.

The KUFUNG Portable Water Bottle Pump works great without needing to have a big dispenser you need to flip the jug over onto. The pump is charged with a USB cable and can go through a whole 5-gallon jug or more without recharging.

We go through about 1½ 5-Gallon Jugs of water per week on our gate.

If you plan on refilling your 5-Gallon Water Jugs as we do, you’ll need some reusable caps for them.

We have an ice maker on our refrigerator but since the full hookups water is non-potable we turn it off. A countertop ice maker comes in handy.

Safety Equipment

You normally don’t need Safety Equipment at the Gate Site, but if you go to the oil rig or drill site you will more than likely be required to have a Hard Hat and Safety Glasses.

Being in the South you can run into some crazy weather. Having a weather radio is a good idea.

Muck Boots

The Gate Sites are often on freshly made roads or roads made of just dirt and a bit of rock. When it rains it can get very muddy. To keep from tracking too much mud into your RV you may want some Overboots.

Or you may prefer some regular Muck Boots.

Boot Brush

One thing we’ve found while gate guarding is that mud can become an issue on the sites. You want to work to keep your RV as clean as possible while going in and out. A Boot Brush is something you definitely need to keep your shoes clean.


You may need somewhere to get out of the elements in between logging in trucks. An easy-up shelter, tent, or gazebo is a perfect place to get out of the weather in between visitors.


A security camera system can help keep an eye on upcoming vehicles at your gate. Sometimes the way your RV is parked you can only see out one direction and don’t know if someone is coming. We currently don’t have one but may invest in the one below down the road.


If you go gate guarding we hope that this list of items will point you in the right direction so you’ll be prepared at your gate.

We love Gate Guarding so far! We haven’t found any other job that pays as well as this does. The hours are long but there is so much free time to read, watch TV, do hobbies, or do other things.

Thank you for taking the time to check out this list. Please let us know below if you have any comments or questions.

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2 thoughts on “Gate Guarding Supplies”

  1. I’ve been contemplating on doing gate guarding and working the sugar beet harvest but i don’t know how its going to effect my disability


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