Initially, we looked at staying in the Yellowstone area for the summer but discovered it would cost us about $10,000 just for camping. That was way out of our budget so we decided if we were going to spend a summer in Yellowstone we would need to do it by Workamping.
During our Workamping gig at JCPenney in Reno, Lisa met a lady in the laundry room. While they were talking Lisa told her we were thinking of going to Yellowstone for the Summer. Come to find out the lady said she knew of a campground looking for Workampers. We applied and found out the lady is the manager of the campground. A couple of days later we interviewed and got a camp host position.
This is our third Workamping job and first working in a campground.
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Located in West Yellowstone, Montana, Grizzly RV Park, and Cabins are only four blocks from Yellowstone National Park’s West Entrance. West Yellowstone is situated within a short driving distance of many beautiful points of interest inside Yellowstone National Park and the nearby Gallatin National Forest.

When we arrived I was assigned to work Maintenance, and Lisa was assigned to work the front office doing reservations and checking people in.
The maintenance position was fairly basic. Cleaning restrooms, trimming trees and other yard work, preparing sites for their next customers, and repairing any issues that came up during the day.
Lisa is not super computer-literate so she didn’t get comfortable with the reservation system and all it entailed. She asked for a change of positions and was assigned to backup cabin cleaning. We both swapped with another couple to clean the cabins during the main cleaners’ days off.
With the change, Lisa and I work together cleaning restrooms in the morning, then cleaning cabins on our assigned days. Some days have us preparing RV sites for new arrivals. And occasionally doing other daily chores.

Working at Grizzly RV Park and Cabins we agreed to work 40 hours per week, five 8-hour days. We have two consecutive days off every week. Our schedule is 8-5 Friday-Tuesday. Friday, Saturday, and Tuesday are our normal days with Sunday and Monday Cabin Days.
40 hours per week is too much when working near Yellowstone. Having only two days off per week there is not a lot of time to go into the park to explore, do chores around the RV, or run errands. To run errands is about a 2-hour drive to Bozeman or Idaho Falls. While there are two small grocery stores in West Yellowstone, they are both very expensive and not well stocked. About every other week we make a trip to one of those towns to Winco, Wal-Mart, Costco, or any other stores we need to hit. An extra day off would be so much more beneficial and help with the relaxation factor.
Pay and Benefits
Working at Grizzly RV Park and Cabins our pay is $10/hr. We are furnished with an RV site in a small private campground a couple of blocks from the main park. For our site, we are charged $10/day. Not a bad price for an area that charges close to $100 per day for some RV sites. Our site has full hookups with 50 amp service.

In June at a company picnic management informed us if we stayed to our contract end date that we would receive a $2/hour bonus. A couple of extra dollars per hour helps a bunch at the end of the season.
Our summer in Yellowstone has been amazing, to say the least. We have fallen in love with the area and all there is to do here. Early in the summer, we decided we wanted to come back again next year.
We found a job in the town where we would work 32 hours per week over 4 days giving us the three days off we were looking for. Grizzly RV asked us to come back as well. We agreed as long as we could be the primary cabin cleaners and work 4 days on and 3 days off. They agreed to that so we’ll be back in West Yellowstone in 2022!

Thank you for taking the time to read about our experience at Grizzly RV Park and Cabins. If you have any questions about our experience or Workamping in general please feel free to leave a comment below.

There are jobs all over the country looking for full-time RVers like us to come work for them for a few weeks, a season, or longer. Regardless of how much you’ve saved to start the RVing adventure you may likely need or want to supplement your income while on the road. You can easily do this with just a little creativity, a lot of flexibility, and an adventurous spirit with regard to jobs for RVers and Workamping! Workamping can be a great way to travel and see the country while earning a living along the way. We highly recommend giving it a try.
Learn about Workamping here. If you sign up, there is a box where the new member can enter our name and number as the person who referred them. Please put that Rob & Lisa Member Number: 212855 referred you. You’ll get a great deal on the subscription and we’ll get a small commission. Thank you.
Have you Workamped? What interesting places have you worked and can recommend? We’re always looking for neat out-of-the-way places to put on our list of must-sees. Thank you for reading our article. If you have any comments or questions we’d love to hear from you below.
Our Other Workamping Jobs
Workamping 5.0 Gate Guarding in Texas
Workamping 4.1 Yellowstone Camera Store, West Yellowstone, Montana
Workamping 2.0 JCPenney Distribution Center Reno, Nevada
Workamping – Our First Job – California Land Management, South Lake Tahoe, California